Here comes Santa Claus

I really get a kick out of the child in me that comes out to play at Christmastime. I get to see so many vintage and antique items that remind me of visits to see my grandfather, Pa, and to see all of my mother’s sisters and brother and all of their children. We really filled up that house on Brattle Street! There was always a towering lit spruce in the front yard and a smaller tree in the house. Good food! Laughter and fun!

At some point in the merriment, Pa would disappear and a bit later someone would say “Do I hear sleigh bells? We don’t have a chimney…kids, go to the door and see what is going on.” And there he was. Santa Claus! We older kids kept our mouths shut so the little ones would never know that it was really Pa dressed up in a hand sewn Santa suit made by one of my clever aunts. My very sweet Pa gave a gift to each of us and then left the house to “visit more children on this busy night.”

Pa was a very quiet and gentle man, a first generation American from Sweden who worked very hard to support his loud and rambunctious brood. This is when I really fell in love with Santa Claus. So with love in my heart, I have picked several Santas from times passed to share with you.

Christmas Club Santa Claus

When we were kids, we would go to the bank with mom or dad, and might even get one of these nifty Santa Claus Christmas Club handouts. The back showed how making small deposits could pay out with a nice bit of cash to buy presents. The idea was to promote saving, but what I did was take my cardboard Santa and tape him to my bedroom mirror,  The money I had secretly saved went with me to the five and ten cent store and where I bought what I could for Christmas presents. I just love this Santa Claus. He just reminds me of the 50s and my love of that time in my childhood. He is waiting in BlueBarnCollectibles on Etsy.

USPS Commemorative Santa Stamp Pin

I love my current post office. When we were kids, we would write out or make our own cards and put stamps on them. Then we walked to the nearest mail box to post them off to family. We once got a Christmas card from a young cousin who put an S&H Green stamp on it, and would you know the kind hearted postal service delivered it to us anyway. Our mailman chuckled over this when he handed it to my mom.

Know any stamp, collectors? Bet they would like this pin. The folks who work at the post office might find this a delightful thing to pin on their winter coat went out and about. Please check it on Etsy at WhatDatNOLA’s shop..

Santa and the Missus with Two Kids on a Candy Cane Sled or Skis

If I had seen this as a child in a house or store, I just know I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of it! What fun to ride on candy cane runners!  Nobody is hanging on to anything in case things go amok! I bet the missus doesn’t mind being along for the ride as long as it is on the ground. She thinks “Give me terra firma. The more firma, the less terra!” What a great piece of decor placed on a mirror with a bit of faux snow where the little ones can enjoy it while they eat a real candy cane. If you go to FestiveWonder’s Shop in Etsy it can be bought and can be passed down to the next generations of Santa lovers.

Folk Art Santa Claus Riding a Pig

The Victorian era Germans found it amusing to put Santa and a pig together. I wonder if it is that if you have a pig at Christmas, then you would have plenty to eat or if it is that they’re just plain fun and even good luck. Santa is riding this one. The Vaillencourt Folk Art Company started off using antique chocolate molds to make chalkware figures which were hand painted for eager collectors. Each year a new Santa made his debut. No doubt the right person will fall in love with this Santa. I don’t think he will get anywhere fast, but they will get lots of smiles and smiles will light up any day or night. AlbertEstateLtd is located on Etsy and this fine Santa and his porcine mount would love to go home with you. 

Holt Howard Santa Driving a Car Candle Set

Well, I knew Santa Claus could drive a sleigh, but I didn’t know he could drive a car! Which is better? Horsepower or reindeer power? Each car holds a taper candle and the taper holds a ring that has a traffic light on it. He’s looking up because the traffic signal is above his head and he is waiting for it to turn green, so he can go. I have never seen this set in the wild. If you are as big fan of HH as I am, the four piece set is at BrassTackGoods on Etsy. Go, Santa go! Ho Ho Holt Howard!

We hope that there are plenty of shop small shops in your town if you want to bypass the big stores, Please also consider our small shops online who can offer sometimes very hard to find items as gifts that will carry their past into a future home and heart. All the best for you and yours, from Mary Christmas!


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  1. So I was the little one in the front crying… I’m Barbara…one of Maryellen’s little sisters…now remembering many memories I haven’t thought about in 50 years…I have vivid memories of that white house w pillars in front… I was so little… I remember it looking like the White House!!! To my surprise, before it burnt to ground I had my husband take me there and it was a very small house w 2 skinny poles holding up the porch roof… lol …our Pa made us handmade doll furniture for our baby dolls and our aunts made Swedish butter cookies… we might have not had much growing up but we’re so grateful for the few things we got… shut your eyes for a moment and recall being that young child again…the memories come flooding back

  2. Such a great memory Barbara! It’s amazing how we see things as a child only to realize the difference as we grow older. Thank goodness for childhood memories.

  3. Great memories Mary Ellen thank you for sharing and Re-Connecting. My memories of Pa centered more on working in the green house. He grew the most amazing Mums and won many prizes at the annual Norton Company Picknick. I think I inherited Pa’s Gold Pocket Watch and 50 service pin from Norton Co. when my dad passed. I’ll have to check my attic.

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