Since I’m on vacation this week, I thought vacation photos would be an appropriate topic for this week’s vintage picks.
The days of lugging around an unwieldy camera along on vacation are long gone for most of us. We all have portable cameras at our fingertips on our phones, and happily never have to worry about running out of film or taking a bad shot. We no longer take multiple rolls of film to the local store for developing and pasting into albums. Although we take more photos than ever because we can access them and share them with anyone we choose at any time, the nostalgia of looking through photo albums filled with old vacation photos still remains. This week’s vintage picks are brought to you by Pam of Vintage Renude.
Family Beach Day
Well, this brings back memories!: What I love most about this photo are the memories it conjures up from my childhood spent at the beach with my parents and grandparents on the shores of Nantasket. Every summer we would head from sunny Southern California to Boston Bay where my grandparents had a summer house. Days spent lolling on the beach with my cousins were some of the best parts of my childhood.

Family Car Loaded for Vacation
The anticipation of a road trip: Just look at those smiles! The anticipation of a family road trip is evident here by the packed suitcases and the smiles all around. Even back then a family road trip was an adventure to be anticipated and enjoyed.

Car Camping Vacation
Camping under the stars: Long before we had RV’s or trailers folks were camping. Back in the 1920s, having a tent on the back of your car was camping luxury. Just look how happy these folks are, well at least Dad is. Mom and the kids, not so much. Clearly there’s a divide, either you love to camp out under the stars or you don’t. I think I know who’s in which camp here.

Did you know there is a website that showcases old vacation photos? You can peruse vacation photos from the 1940s to the 1970s uploaded from old slides here. Hope you all get to take a vacation once in a while. I know I’m enjoying mine. See you when I get back, with lots of photos.
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