What is the true meaning of Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day has been commercialized to the benefit of florists, card companies, restaurants, and candy makers. Back in the early 20th century when Anna Jarvis originally proposed the idea of a day to celebrate mothers in the US, it had nothing to do with going out to dinner or cards and flowers. It did however have everything to do with peace. Her plan began as a way to bring mothers together to ask for sons and fathers to lay down weapons and create a peaceful society in the midst of the Civil War. Not at all how we currently celebrate.

In fact, almost every country has a version of Mother’s Day, although many are celebrated at different times of the year and in very different ways. Wikipedia has a list here. If you’re tired of the commercialized version of Mother’s Day and would prefer to spend the day anywhere but an overcrowded and overpriced restaurant with a bunch of strangers, we have a plan for you.
Start by going back to Anna’s original idea. Spend time with other mothers talking about how we can all get along. Instead of heading out to brunch, invite a group over for tea, and rather than simply inviting your usual crowd, reach out to some folks you may not always agree with.
We live in a highly polarized society thanks to politics and social media. Meeting with women with disparate points of view face to face with the aim of healing is a great way to honor ourselves as mothers. You also don’t need to be a parent to be a mother, there are mother figures in every walk of life, including male, female, and non-binary.
The point is to find a way to relate to each other, discuss our worries, hopes, and fears and find a way to work together to bring harmony to the world. For my money, that is the best gift one can receive on Mother’s Day.
So call that old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while or the relative who always irks you at family gatherings and find some common ground. Do your best to repair that relationship, and move forward together. This year let’s honor the true meaning of Mother’s Day together.
If you prefer your Mother’s Day to be more traditional, visit some of our past Mother’s Day posts.