My Grandfather had a real starfish on the wall in his bedroom. On holiday visits we 9 cousins were allowed to play on his bed if we were quiet and not too rowdy. We all were smaller then. I do remember being fascinated by the starfish and asked him about it. He replied that it had special meaning but never divulged the story behind it. I imagine it was thrown away when he died decades ago. I believe the first living starfish I have ever seen in nature was well over 12 years ago on a trip to Block Island Rhode Island. It was amazing to see it moving around the rocks just along the edge of the water. Though they are names starfish they are definitely not fish. You can learn more about them here. I would like to share my starfish picks of the week with you and hope you like them.
Vintage Otagiri Shell and Starfish Mug
I enjoy vintage items over new and would enjoy using this dramatic black and gold mug for tea or coffee. I really am a big fan of all things Otagiri a company in Japan known for its beautiful designs in both pottery and porcelain.

Blenko Clear Glass Starfish
My eyes were instantly drawn to the beauty and texture of this Blenko glass starfish. I would use it in the summer as a paper napkin weight as we often get a little or larger gust of wind through the screen porch. When the season is over I would place it back with an array of shells, driftwood and other seashore items we have collected over the years.

Sterling Silver Starfish Necklace
This would make a beautiful birthday or anniversary gift for the person who loves the sand, the sea and the sky. They would move near the ocean in a heartbeat if they aren’t there already. Simple, beautiful and elegant.

There you have it, my vintage starfish picks for the week. Please sign-up for our email newsletter, delivered once a week, so you don’t miss out on any of our picks or articles celebrating all things vintage.