I have a penchant for vintage USA road trip souvenirs. These two 1960s round metal trays caught my eye at the local thrift, two retro lovelies nestled in with the ubiquitous Norman Rockwell and other collectible plates. And lovelies they are: Hawaii and Virginia trays in good condition with enthusiastically colorful art and something else I’d never seen on a travel souvenir, a signature. Ken Haag.
I am familiar with Hawaii and Virginia. But who is Ken Haag? And why did his signature rate inclusion on a travel souvenir? Assuming he must be someone of note, I was pretty sure Google would give me an answer in less than a second. I was wrong.
Google was full of images for things Ken Haag illustrated, mostly small decorative state and wildlife trays, but void of biographical information. This seemed so unlikely. How can a man who turns up an unending number of results for people selling things with his illustrations not have a Wikipedia page? Or any biographical information? You can find anything on the internet. Information about Ken Haag had to be out there…
It was at this point that my to-do list got shoved to the side and I, with a quizzically wrinkled brow and stubborn determination, went diving down theM internet research rabbit hole. The hunt was on.
Initial searches like “Ken Haag artist” and “Ken Haag illustrator” turned up nothing. Except a Google book excerpt from Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third Series for giant gift tags printed by Peck Inc with illustrations by Ken Haag in the 1960s. Knowing he was an established artist working in the 1960s made me wonder if he might at this point be an older person. Or if he might have already passed away and there might possibly be an obituary. Nope. The only obit result was for a gentleman in Iowa who was clearly not the Ken Haag I was looking for.
Peck Inc. was a possible lead. The Vintage Recycling blog had a post about a vintage 1950s salesman’s sample book of gift tags from Peck Inc., located in Minnesota.

Minnesota. Hmm. I searched “Ken Haag artist Minnesota” and got a second Google book except, this time from The St. Paul Saints: Baseball in the Twin City. The highlighted reference is for the Johnson High School Hall of Fame where inductee Ken Haag is described as a sports artist.

Searching “Ken Haag sports illustration” resulted in an Ebay listing for a “Dodgers Undoers” poster, autographed by the players, with the artist’s name as large as life.
At this point, I felt like I was surrounded by snips and snaps of info about this talented illustrator but I still hadn’t found anything comprehensive. I knew it had to be out there. I just knew it. Translation: I’m too far into the rabbit hole to quit. Onward.
Next tidbits of info, a Worthpoint listing for a Vegas metal ashtray with this bit in the description: “Artist and illustrator Ken Haag was a Minnesota graphic artist, and his pieces are collectible for the way he combined evocative images of famous people and places.” And multiple Amazon listings for The Minnesota Conservation Volunteer magazine from the 1960s with Ken Haag as an author. Minnesota again!
And then, jackpot. A photograph of the artist in the archives of the Minnesota Historical Society. Love his smile, love his jaunty tie. Here’s a guy who was a prolific artist. Who signed everything as big as life. And I can figure out NOTHING about him? I kept plugging away with different search combinations based on what I knew and finally things started going my way.
First, a link to St. Paul’s Eastside Heritage Park. On the “They Came from the Eastside,” a huge leap forward and another photo.
Ken Haag (1932-1996) was a talented and prolific sports and wildlife artist, writer and newspaper and magazine illustrator. He was a frequent volunteer for Eastside projects. The preservation of Minnesota wildlife, especially birds and their habitats was an important focus of his adult life.
And then the breakthrough, a Facebook post by Minnesota’s Angling Past with a decent amount of biographical information. Including the fact that Mr. Haag passed away unexpectedly in 1996 at his Eastside home. And that Rep. Bruce Vento spoke warmly about Mr. Haag’s contributions to his community from the floor of the US House of Representatives a month after his death. From the record of that speech with the appended obituary, I finally found out just who Ken Haag was. “Ken was a constant and joyful volunteer. He lent real meaning to the role of citizenship, working as an artist, but deeply involved in music, education, environment and housing activities. He was a modern day renaissance man.” So said Rep. Vento.
His obituary listed his affiliations. He served in the Navy. He was a member of the St. Paul Swedish Mens Chorus. He was the president of the Minnesota Bird Club and the local elementary PTO. He was dedicated to education and the environment. He was the father of four daughters and a son. He was a husband and a grandfather. And, he was a talented creative illustrator.
So how does knowing this make me better able to sell Ken Haag’s souvenir trays. It doesn’t. But it does give me the satisfaction of finding out just who he was. From now on, when his work passes my way, I will smile knowingly and say, “Ah yes, Ken Haag. He was quite a guy.”
Laurie, I so know this rabbit hole route. Even though, bottom line, you could do without this information, you just know it’s out there somewhere and must get to the bottom of it! Congrats on your success in learning about this cool Midwestern artist, and thank you for sharing your research through this post. I’ll be keeping an eye out for his signature now.
How sweet of you to have taken the time to share your journey and quest for “quite a guy” Ken Haag. Thanks to you you’ve provided me the information that I was determined to find as well. I get it and I get you…I truly do. Been down many a rabbit hole in my time. It’s about paying homage and giving credit where and when credit is due. Thank you for making the jump! ?
I am this awesome man’s oldest daughter.
I am Ken’s second oldest daughter, Michelle. Our Dad was multi talented. He also had many covers on the Minnesota Voluteer magazine, Fur, Fish and Game, and had his art published in the book, “Ducks of the Mississippi Flyway”.
He also did journalism and artwork for “Sports Collectors Digest”.
He did dozens of metal trays, featuring tourist attractions for many states in the US.
Thank you for seeking him out. We lost him too soon to a heart attack at the age of 63. We miss him everyday.
I purchased a painting on Craigslist signed S. Haag. The seller claimed that it had been a gift to his mother from an artist in North Dakota. It is a lone deer or elk in a stand of tall trees. Is this a relative?
I’m looking to get in touch with Ken Haag’s daughter Michelle. Is it possible to reach her or give her my email address bob@bobmcduff.com
I need to discuss about the permission of using Peter Gray watercolor made by Mr. Haag for the cover of a baseball program.
If you could get ahold of me I would be interested in buying that tray I knew Ken growing up he was a wonderful man. His daughters are very good friends of mine. He was a beautiful soul that they lost too soon
Aloha and Mahalo (Thank you) for the informative research regarding this talented artist, Ken Haag. Just today, I purchased a beautifully illustrated tin bowl depicting the Buena Park, CA Japanese Village & Deer Park which today no longer exists (1967-1975). I, too, will be keeping my eye open for more artwork done by Mr. Ken Haag.
Thank you, Laurie, its nice knowing there are others out there who spend unspeakable time in the hole searching for answers on the internet – a neverending frontier of everything and nothing. This time I didn’t have to go deep at all, you gifted us all with some extra time today. I purchased a lovely Ken Haag piece yesterday. A round metal tray commemorating the state of Hawaii compete with a scripted poem about the meaning of “Aloha”. The signature made me curious too. He sounds like a fantastic man and I’m glad to have a piece of his art. Aloha!
Thank you so much for posting this blog. I was starting down the same rabbit hole trail as you and your blog popped up on my forth search “Ken Haag MN”. I just bought the original painting used for the bison tray and an unfinished birds of prey painting.
I discovered in my “memories box” that I still have an original pen and ink drawing done by Ken Haag for me when I worked with him at Associated Lithographers in St. Louis Park, Mn in 1972. It is accompanied by a letter of the goings on at work, written and sent to me along with the sketch he did at my request. Such a delightful man! I was so glad to discover this blog!
You’re right on .. it’s eerily remarkable that the only info coming up on my occasional web/internet searches for Ken Hagg lead only to this (fantastic) tribute/testament of yours, here! I too was browsing the small “antique” section of my fav thrift store in Wadena, MN yesterday, and amid a wide variety of items, found 3 beautiful, colorfully illustrated trays- and nabbed all 3! I cannot thank you enough for your laborious hunt, and your well researched, and reported details on Ken Hagg!
What a joyous blissful read this was. We collect anything Hawaiian and tiki and I came across a Hawaii souvenir tray at my local Salvation Army and it was a most glorious find.
I too saw the signature and went searching, expecting another dead end like I do on so many vintage treasures and instead I found this. And Ken Haag. Who really was quite a guy.
Thank you for embodying what it means to be a thrift collector. We are curating beloved objects which can be cherished again. And hopefully again.
Well done!!
I did not know Ken Haag. I wonder if his father was Hans Haag? We worked together and in the 1970s I purchased a print of a lithograph of a father and son signed by Ken Haag. It is a photo of a little boy turning a grind stone while the father sharpened an axe.
Could you forward my email address to MS. Bealieau so to confirm Hans as the father?
Sjantolak@aol.com. Or, perhaps your research confirms that.
Your bio sketch is superb!
Hi Stan,
We’re so happy to read that you happened upon Laurie’s 2017 blog post about Ken Haag. Based on our research, Hans Haag WAS his father but to confirm that I have passed your message on to his daughters who can let you know for sure.
If it’s true, we’d love to see a copy of the lithograph as confirmation: 1. that Ken was talented from a very young age and 2. that a trip down the rabbit hole is worthwhile!
I didn’t know Ken but I acquired 3 signed lithographs to me that I have framed. They were for the Minnesota Zoological Garden, beluga whales, leopard cats, and snow monkeys. We are currently downsizing and would love to sell the 3 pictures to someone that will appreciate them. Can anyone tell me the value and where I could take them?
We have 3 signed pieces by Ken Haag and was wondering if there was any value you could put to these as we are downsizing and might be interrestrial in parting with them.
A from the Minnesota Zoollogical Gardens – 1978
Snow Monkeys
Beluga Whales
Leopard Cats
I did not know Ken but he did add “For Marlys Albrecht” to the piece when he signed them.
Marlys Albrecht
Hi Marlys, Regrettably, we are not appraisers and can’t give you a fair market value for your Ken Haag prints. I would suggest you try consigning them at a home decor consignment shop, they would likely be able to establish a value for your area as well as give the prints the exposure they need to sell.
Forgive me for stepping in so late in the post. I was fortunate to have met Mr Ken Haag in the early 70’s when I was just a small child somewhere between the age of 7 and 9 years old. Mr. Haag had an art studio located in St Paul, MN, on Rice Street near Charles Ave, where he had studio space in the back room of a barber shop. My grandparents owned a small two bedroom house across the street from the barber shop so my grandfather would take me there for haircuts. During one of our visits to the barber we were introduced to Mr Haag, when my grandfather immediately said to him that I was quite “creative” and loved to draw. It wasn’t long before Mr. Haag had me sitting in his studio for an art lesson. I’ll never forget his kindness, patience, and passion for art and educating others. He gave me several (no cost) lessons and at one point with the approval of my parents, he allowed me to tag along with him to an art exhibit in Minneapolis where he was featuring his work. Although the time knowing Mr. Haag was a short blip in my life, I have never forgotten the time we shared together.
Chris L.
Chris L.
I am Ken Haag’s oldest daughter, Camille.
This was so cool to read!
I remember the comic books in the barber shop and the Coney island joint a few doors down.
I feel so blessed to have had this amazing man as my father!!
He could also sing. He sang with the “Swedish Male Chorus”. When he would play Neil Diamond and Elvis records, he would sing along. He sounded so much like Elvis.
Any way, it has been so cool to read others memories of my dad ❤️
I owned Koney King. Well, I owned the business, from April 1977 until1979 when the whole block was torn down for ‘Rice Marion Apartments Phase II.
Llyod Bergum, of Unique Barber Shop was in the front of the next door area & Ken Haag, of Unique Art was in the rear. Lloyd owned the entire building, from Koney King (a former train car) -> Unique Barber/Unique Art -> and an Appliance store.
Ken sat in his vehicle across the street from the building for many days & painted it a a wedding present for Lloyd & Linda. I believe that was in 1979.
My husband & I met at Koney King. Don played chess at the barber shop every Saturday. We’ve been married 43 years.
Lloyd & Linda gave us a print of their wedding gift in 1980. It is a cherished piece of art and triggers many a memory.
Shortly before he died, I bought from Ken another print of the Koney King & buildings as a thank you to my brother for establishing me in the Koney King business. Ron had been the Pepsi driver on that route & saw that it was for sale. He offered to back me saying “If there’s a profit, it’s your profit. If there’s a loss, it’s my loss.” I owed Ron a HUGE thank you, & a print of Ken Haag’s painting was perfect. Along with the signature on the print, I asked Ken to sign both prints again. So these 2 prints have both the printed signature + an in-person signature. I think that this took place less than a year before Ken died. And I think that it was at his daughter’s home, where he was living/staying/visiting for a while.
Thank you for the rabbit hole visit. And thank you, Camille, for the information & the memories.
Bev Moulin
Thank you for this information! My husband and I are Minnesota natives, transplanted to SC for work. I stumbled upon a Minnesota plate by Ken Haag at a local thrift shop and had to have it! I’m grateful to know more about the artist and his impact on my dear home!
I have an original “dodger undoers” print 201/250, autographed by Ken Haag, as well as Don Larsen, Bobby Thompson, and John Vander Meer.
Feel free to reach out if your interested in it.