In my mind, this is the original Puppy Love. There is nothing sweeter than a child and their dog. Animals and children don’t need words to communicate. Kids and dogs have always had a special connection. These antique and vintage items highlight that relationship.
The vintage picks of the week are brought to you by Pam of Vintage Renude.
J L Drucklieb Child w/Dog Bookends
What I love about these: You can’t tell if the child is laughing or crying, but either way, that dog isn’t leaving his side. That spaniel is snuggled up close and ensuring his charge gets all the love he deserves. Besides, how great would these look on a library shelf with a stack of antique children’s books wedged between them?

Can’t You Talk print
What I find interesting about this: The original painting from 1875 by a somewhat obscure artist of the time named George A. Holmes was widely copied and used due to lax copyright laws of the time. You can still find many copies of this painting as well as sculptures based on the original. None of those detract from the sweetness of this scene though, titled “Can’t You Talk.”

Porcelain Child and Dog Figurine
Why this Caught My Eye: Clearly European in nature, the seller believes this item to be German, and I tend to agree. The gentle look of a large dog patiently attentive to this small child who seems to be looking off into the distance is charming. Details in the tree as well as the child outfit add to the playful look of this piece of porcelain.

So there you have it! My three vintage picks of the week. It’s almost Valentine’s Day and whether your love is human or canine, Puppy Love is still the sweetest. So make sure to let those you love know it this Valentine’s Day. And hug your pups!
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