Now Trending: Love Vintage Style

“With our love, we could save the world” – George Harrison

Shop The Look:

    1. Floral Painted Red Metal Purse offered by Sweet Alice Loves You, $36
    2. Carina Red Rhinestone Crown Brooch offered by NextStage Vintage, $48
    3. Hand Painted Frame with Photo of Young Couple offered by Selective Salvage,  $45
    4. Sterling Silver Hamsa Pendant offered by Vintage Renude, $32.95
    5. Halls Chinese Red Breakfast Set offered by Rolling Hills Vintage, $48
    6. Mexican Clay Pottery Hand Painted offered by Reconstitutions, $50
    7. De Simone Pottery Fish Plate offered by Studio Vintage Home, $68
    8. Pewter Filigree Heart Earrings offered by Desert Earth Jewelry,  $29
    9. 1920 Mechanical Valentine offered by Aunt Hatties Attic,  $39.99

LOVEly vintage from the VU team and a few of friends…

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  1. If all you need is love, then I’m hooked! Thanks for including my deSimone fish plate in this truly lovable collection!

  2. What a wonderful collection of love-themed items. Thanks so much for including my heart earrings.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all!! xoxoxo

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