When considering items to collect, space can be a defining factor. Collecting vintage postcards is a great way to satiate that desire while taking up minimal space. According to the World Postcard Day website, printed greeting cards meant to be sent through the post were created by a French engraver in 1777. The first official issue of a postcard recognized as such including postage was on October 1st, 1869 in Austria-Hungary. Since then, postcards have developed into a way to send a quick note reminding friends and family how much fun you’re having on vacation or a reminder from the dentist of your next appointment.
In the 1890s, with photography becoming more prevalent, photo postcards became popular. For many it was a way to preserve memories as well as share them with others. Kodak had produced a camera whose negative was the size of a standard postcard and could be directly printed onto the blank cardstock. This became a popular way for the millions of immigrants who came through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924 to notify family and friends that they had made it to the U.S.

The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition was the first commercial use of postcards as souvenirs.They were printed in color featuring multiple buildings and pavilions. Postcards became a way for companies to advertise the rapid growth happening into the early 20th Century. New buildings were prominently featured by proud businessmen. Statues and historical sites were featured.

As popularity grew and everything from cartoons to holiday greetings became fodder for the postal service the divided postcard was created. One was now able to pen a short note on one side and the recipient’s address on the other side.
Postcards began to include a white border around 1915 allowing the large sheets of printed stock to be cut more easily. In the 1930s a new technique in printing allowing the ink to dry more quickly and look brighter brought about the “linen” postcard.The photorealistic postcards we see now were first introduced in 1939 by Union Oil when they began selling them in their service stations.
The iconic “Greetings From” postcards were first created by publisher and printer Curt Teich whose company began printing postcards in 1908. With the popularity of postcards World Postcard Day is now celebrated by millions around the world each year on October 1st.

The Smithsonian and World Postcard Day have wonderful information on the history of postcards. To learn more about antique photo postcards as well as dating information Playle.com has some great information as does The Chicago Postcard Museum. Check out our other posts on collecting various vintage objects here.