When you have a blog, you also have a dashboard with all sorts of data about views and the relative popularity of posts and such. If we were monetizing this blog, that information would be important to pitch potential advertisers about the number of regular readers and the number of search hits. This may shock you, but we bring you three posts weekly, including the fresh to market vintage every Sunday, not because we want to impress grand pooh-bahs from the marketing world, but because we love vintage and we like sharing information about it with other people who love vintage. The only monetization aspect is that we hope to draw eyes to our selling sites where we can convince you and your credit card that we are selling something you can’t live without.
We don’t monetize the blog, but we do look at the data. We look at what posts get the most views and turn up in the most search engine searches, because that means those posts have information people are looking for. We use that data to brainstorm similar topics that people might also want to read about.
One of the enduringly popular posts on Vintage Unscripted is about how color effects the prices of Fenton glass pieces, referenced below in the description of the sweet little Fenton individual cream and sugar set. The 10 decades of color and design posts are also always among the top viewed pages. Those get so many eyes that we decided to refresh them with new links and images and publish them again over the next 10 weeks.
Vintage Unscripted has always been a passion project. We love researching and learning about stuff. Vintage lovers gather up nuggets of info the way chipmunks collect cheeks full of seeds, always adding more and then storing them away. This week’s fresh to market vintage has a great nugget to store away–what a Sautoir necklace is. Tuck that nugget away and save it until the time comes when you can impress your friends by dropping it into conversation when you are browsing a vintage store and spot one in the wild.
Peach Sautoir Necklace
Often known as Flapper necklaces, these long strand open ended necklaces are Sautoirs or sometimes called Kumihimo. The names refer to the twisted beaded style. This one is made of peach colored glass beads with long looping ends. Quite versatile as they can be worn in several ways. This necklace is most likely from the 1920s.
Peach Beaded Sautoir Necklace, $35.95
-Pam, Vintage Renude
Rummikub Deluxe Edition Game
It is going to be a snowy day tomorrow, and also off and on next week as well. Here’s a family and friends game that was invented 70 years ago. It’s for 2 to 4 players, and easy to learn for ages 8 and up. I remember playing board games of various kinds when it was snowing or raining. Mom was happy because we were relatively quiet. She even made us mugs of hot cocoa with a generous spoonful of marshmallow fluff. We wanted that sticky stuff not whipped cream! Now, back to the game…
Rummikub Deluxe Wood Edition Game, $63.99
-Mary Ellen, Aunt Hatties Attic
Fenton Opalescent Hobnail Individual Sugar & Creamer
This sweet little Fenton sugar and creamer set in the moonstone opalescent hobnail design is perfect for tea time for one.
The Fenton Art Glass Company is an American glassmaker founded in 1907 that made the hobnail design popular. This design dates to the early 1950s. Read more about Fenton hobnail in this on Antique Answers and how color impacts value on our blog.
Individual Fenton Creamer and Sugar Set, $20
-Linda, Selective Salvage
Recipe Collection in a Recipe Box
Vintage recipe boxes filled with vintage recipes are mini treasure chests. Recipes from friends, back when people kept pretty printed index cards to share recipes on, recipes clipped from packages, the newspaper or magazines, typed recipes–it’s like savoring a stew with a little of everything in it. This box is well worn, some of the recipes are tattered and most of the recipes are out of any sort of order, but that’s the beauty of the thing.
Vintage Recipe Box Filled with Vintage Recipes, $21.
-Laurie, NextStage Vintage
And so we conclude yet another weekly edition of fresh to market vintage. It’s always fun for us to see what the other members of the Vintage Unscripted squad are posting. We hope it’s as fun for you to read as it is for us to put together.
Even if you caught the 10 Decades of Color and Design posts the first time around, you don’t want to miss them this time. The surest way to always be in the know is to subscribe to our weekly email newsletter. It comes once a week with links to all our posts. And we would sooner lick an entire book’s worth of S&H Green Stamps than ever share your information.