Fresh to Market Vintage: 02/09/2025

Love, exciting and new, come aboard, we’re expecting you…to enjoy this week’s heartfelt fresh to market vintage. It’s Galentine and Valentine week, and yes, we know it’s a manufactured greeting card holiday. But the chocolate and flowers are real. And we’re always up for chocolate and flowers.

However and whatever you celebrate, we’ve got some gifting ideas for you, from a rockin’ cock-a-doodle doo to dangling rosebuds to sharp ceremonial staffs to valentines that seem a little too adult for your average 1960s eight-year-old. They’re all fresh and definitely to market vintage. We’ve set a course for adventure

1960s Goebel Rooster Bank

Valentine’s Day is coming and most of us want to crow about our affection! What’s fun about this chanticleer is that it is doing just that and he’s the beautiful red color we crave at this holiday. Cock a doodle doo! I do love you!

1960s West German Goebel Rooster Bank, $82.99.

-Mary Ellen, Aunt Hattie’s Attic

Real Rosebud Earrings

Roses are a go to Valentine gift. While they are beautiful, they don’t last forever. These rosebud earrings however, have been around for ages. Real rosebuds plucked just before they bloomed and preserved for years to come. Now that’s a gift that will be remembered long after the bouquet has withered.

Real Rosebud Earrings, $24.95

-Pam, Vintage Renude

Three IOOF Odd Fellows Ceremonial Staff (c 1920s)

Three Odd Fellows Staff

Three ceremonial wooden arrow and ball topped staff from the IOOF (International Order of Odd Fellows) that are attributed to the Beresford SD lodge, ca. 1920s. They are nice pieces of authentic early American folk art. Perfect for the collector of the lodge memorabilia or someone looking for a nice graphic display pieces.

Three Mismatched Odd Fellows Staff, $150

-LInda, Selective Salvage

1960s School Swap Valentines

As any good online seller knows, the best time to list seasonal merchandise is 15 minutes before it’s too late to ship and have it arrive on time. Which explains why the vintage valentines that have been lurking around for um…a while…finally made it into the shop. These seem a little old for elementary school. Do 4th graders know who Nero is? Back in the day when cigarettes were advertised on TV, they probably knew the Tareyton “I’d rather fight than switch” ad. And everyone knows the Lone Ranger’s call “Hi Ho Silver, away.” But what’s the deal with the giant knife?

4 Unused 1960s School Valentines, $18.

-Laurie, NextStage Vintage

Love, life’s sweetest reward, let it flow, it floats back to you…love of vintage, that is. We’ll admit it. We watched The Love Boat (1977-1986). We’ve probably seen all 250 episodes. The plots were as transparent as some of the lingerie from Frederick’s of Hollywood (if you checked up on the blog this week, you’ll see this is a very timely reference), but the guest stars were fire. 

We come to you with fresh fresh to market vintage every Sunday. If you don’t want to miss any of our posts, subscribe to our email newsletter. That also arrives on Sunday, with links to all the posts from the previous week. And no worries, we would sooner watch the Super Bowl without onion dip and chips than ever share your information.

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