A Vintage Seller’s New Year’s Resolutions

The tick of the clock that ends one year and begins another doesn’t give you a clean slate. All the annoying or exciting things you didn’t finish by December 31 aren’t completed by elves while you sleep through a magical night. January 1 comes with the same undone tasks and obligations that were staring at you the day before. But it is still a point on your timeline when you can plant a flag and pinkie swear with yourself that you are going to do some things differently moving forward. Which is why I am making some vintage seller’s new year’s resolutions.

Resolutions are an acknowledgement that you are self aware enough to know some things you did in the past year could have been done better. When it comes to changing personal habits, like eating better, getting more sleep, and exercising more, you have to be in the mental space where you can commit to trying to make lifestyle changes stick. Making changes to how you run your vintage business should be easier, in theory. Right. So why is Taylor Swift’s lyric, “old habits die screaming,” running through my brain on repeat? Regardless, I’m going to try so…

These are my vintage seller’s new year’s resolutions

graphic list of vintage seller's new year's resolutions

Those are my vintage seller’s new year’s resolutions. Do any resonate with you? How many are pipe dreams? Will my head and gut stop me from buying yet another Avon bottle, a thing that fills me with delight but has less resale value than a half full book of vintage trading stamps? Will I actually dig through my button hoard to find a close match for the bottom button on that 70s disco shirt so it can finally be listed? Will my minivan stop steering directly to thrift stores when I’m stressed or sad?

It is more likely that I could intuit the winning numbers for a Powerball jackpot than know the answers to those questions. But heaven knows, I’m going to try. I will use my wiles to capture the fresh breath of possibility that comes with a new year and trap it in a vintage soda bottles, cap it with a vintage plastic soda bottle cap and use it to recharge, treating myself to a tiny sniff every time I need a dose of resolve. Who knows? It could work.

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