5 Old-Fashioned Summer Fun Ideas

It’s hot, the kids are out of school, and you need some ideas to keep them occupied for the next couple of months without breaking the bank. We have some old-fashioned summer ideas to bring a vintage vibe to summer vacation. With a bit of creativity and not a lot of money, you can entertain the family through the summer.

Beach It!

A trip to the local beach is always a welcome reprieve from the heat. Pack a lunch, grab a swimsuit, some towels, sunscreen, and a ball or flying disc and head out. Be creative with your food choices as well. Instead of packing sandwiches, chips, and soda, mix up a pitcher of smoothies and create a portable charcuterie-style lunch with crackers, cheeses, lunch meats, fruit, and nuts. They can be housed in individual containers so kids can grab a handful and head back to the water or sandcastle quickly.

Thrift and Gift!

A family favorite of ours is to give each person $5 and head to the thrift store. The point is to spend your money buying things the other family members would enjoy. We have purchased puzzles, craft kits, beauty supplies, even gifts for pets. Or head out to garage or estate sales or perhaps your local flea market. It makes for a fun day of shopping, wrapping, and gifting. Thinking about what someone else would enjoy within a set budget brings out the creativity in each of us as well.

Run the Course!

Or pick up a few water guns and grab your swimsuits for a backyard water fight. Or take it to the local park. Set up a few markers to create boundaries and a centerline. Or create an obstacle course with objects from around the house or yard. Hula hoops, a board, cushions, or pool noodles can make items to jump over, around, or through.

The Hunt is On!

A scavenger hunt is always a fun way to keep everyone occupied. Create a list of random items or stick to a theme—perhaps a color, movie theme, or favorite sport. Then, give each participant a list. The first one to complete the list wins.

Game Time!

Perhaps bringing out some outdoor games to play will help keep everyone entertained. When was the last time you played jacks, or croquet? If you have the space perhaps set up a badminton net, or some horseshoe throwing stakes. A carrom board offers two sides so you can play either game.

There are loads of ways to while away the warm summer months without spending a fortune. So perhaps this summer, forgo the overpriced theme parks and have some good old-fashioned summer fun.

For more ways to have an old-fashioned summer, Wired has this list of outdoor games. You can also check out some of our other ideas here.

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