Doing It Just Like Good Old Dad

Nature or nurture, we all have behaviors that were handed down to us from our caregivers, definitely without the pomp and circumstance with which a vintage tea set is handed down, but handed down nonetheless. We might not even realize it until we hear our mom or dad or gramma or great auntie’s voice coming out of our mouths.

So come on and spill the tea, our vintage-loving friends. What things do you do that you can trace back to your dad? We’ll go first.

Laurie: Just like my dad I love birds, dress in some highly questionable print combinations, consider vanilla ice cream a health supplement, can work a crowd despite preferring solitude, am always ready to lend a hand and come pre-loaded with a snippet of song for any occasion.

Linda: Thanks to my papa-san, I am a huge sports fan, a voracious reader, and am highly competitive, especially when it comes to card games. I love shopping for gifts and fast cars and have yet to meet a cookie I don’t like.

Mary Ellen: Like my dad, I am an extrovert and enjoy being funny! I always thought we could have been professional comedians. We both love singing and don’t mind being the center of attention when we want to be there. We are both sensitive and require sincere acts of affection. We are both headstrong and stubborn, both articulate. I wish I could give him a biiiiggg kiss!

Pam: Hmm, my dad passed away when I was 6. But here are some of the traits I inherited from him. I love cars, motorcycles, and machinery. I strive to be independent, but am definitely a people person. My dad was friends with everyone he met. He was adventurous and always had a smile and good word for everyone. I hope to be half the person my dad was.

Your turn, what’s something you do just like your dad? Leave us a comment.


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