One of the challenges of being an online vintage seller is finding the right words to describe your items. Some of those words are so cool they make us feel smart just knowing them. Some are the kind of words that are fun to say. We’re not ones to be stingy with information, so here’s a short and entirely random list of words we’ve used recently to describe vintage items.
Spatterware is a form of American crockery that is decorated with paint “spatters” of a different color. This crockery was produced during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and was typically found on kitchen pieces including pitchers, bowls, plates and teapots.
Ormolu refers to gilt or gold covered brass. It was principally used in the 18th and 19th century France on highly decorative pieces. The use of ormolu was discontinued around 1900 due to the high mercury content. While the effects are beautiful, the process of creating it was quite hazardous.
A model using three-dimensional objects to represent a scene. They have been used in museums for centuries and are often built in a miniature form by hobbyists who specialize in railroads or war enactments. Dioramas from the Victorian era of garden scenes or doll houses are considered highly collectible.
A lithophane is a bit of art that is molded or etched into fine thin porcelain that can only be seen when held up to the light. Japanese tea cups prior to the 1950s often have the image of a geisha as a lithophane in the bottom of the cup.
Cased Glass 
Cased glass pieces have glass applied in layers–either blown inside a piece or applied to the outside of a piece. Cased pieces have actual layers, not thin layers like stain or a flash coating. The beauty in cased glass is in how the layers accents each other. A heavy clear outer layer can showcase a richly colored inner layer.
Vintage items that are flocked have a molded plastic, glass, metal or ceramic base that is covered in adhesive and then dusted with fine textile fibers to give it a soft texture. Flocking is often seen on novelty or carnival prizes and on vintage holiday decor, including fabulous aluminum trees flocked in white to create a snowy effect.
Composition Doll
Made from glue mixed with fine wood sawdust, composition dolls were popular and affordable from the late 1800s to the 1950s. The pliable material was inexpensive and easily molded. One additional benefit was it’s durability–kids could play with composition dolls without the fear they would break as easily as a porcelain doll.
Thermoset Plastic 
Lustrous thermoset plastic, known as moon glow, is enduringly popular with vintage lovers. Molded and hardened with heat, it can be shaped to fit inside metal settings or as beads. Thermoset plastic is durable and is wonderful for repurposing into new designs.
A flacon is a tiny ornamented bottle designed to hold precious liquids. Often used for carrying perfume or in fairy tales, magical potions.
Technically, an amphora is an ancient Greek and Roman pottery that was used for storing wine and other lovely liquids. But like other classical designs, it’s still popular today. An amphora has a slender shape, with a long neck and rounded base.